
How is the right to adequate food affected by the evolution of diets in developed and developing countries?


The goal of realizing the right to food for all relies not only on food being physically and economically accessible, or available in sufficient quantity. It must also be adequate, i.e. satisfy dietary needs, taking into account the individual’s age, living conditions, health, occupation, sex, etc.

Given the rapid evolution of diets in many parts of the world, the nutritional quality of food has become a major concern in developed and developing countries. Many reports already show the direct impacts of this evolution on non-communicable diseases such as strokes or cardio-vascular diseases, obesity, certain types of cancer, or new forms of diabetes.

The Special Rapporteur addressed these questions in detail in his March 2012 report to the UN Human Rights Council.

Read 22/05/2013: Letter to UK Prime Minister David Cameron on G8 Nutrition for Growth event (June 8) and leaders' summit (June 17-18).
Read 07/06/2012: Report from the meeting of the Special Rapporteur with the Committee on the Rights of the Child (7 June 2012).
Read 16/05/2012, Ottawa/Geneva: Canada: national food strategy can eradicate hunger amidst plenty – UN rights expert
Read 08/03/2012, Geneva: Unfinished progress” – UN expert examines food systems in emerging countries
Read Toronto Star (Canada)Obesity epidemic endangers health of millions (08-03-2012)
Read 06/03/2012, Geneva: Five ways to tackle disastrous diets – UN food expert
Read 06/03/2012: "The right to an adequate diet: the agriculture-food-health nexus, Report presented at the 19th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, also available in French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic and Russian.
Read 16/09/2011, New York and Geneva: UN food expert: “Chance to crack down on bad diets must not be missed